How to measure the loading speed of your site

by Admin

Posted on 20-12-2022 02:38 PM

Why does the speed of the wordpress site matter? when a person lands in their place for the first time , they only have a few seconds to get their attention to convince them to stay in. According to a report by the microsoft bing search team, a delay of 2 seconds in the response capacity of the page reduced user satisfaction by 3. 8%, increased the loss of revenue per user by 4. search 3% and reduced clicks by 4. 3%. That prepare to lose sleep at night! if the loading proses are too slow, most people leave, and your chance is getting reduced.

April 27, 2022 are you experiencing a slow woocommerce site? many factors can slow down your woocommerce site, but thankfully, we share the best techniques to speed it up. First fact: your woocommerce site needs speed to generate profits. Not only does faster loading time improve the user experience, but it also translates into better seo and sales for your business. You need a fast website , or you might find yourself losing customers with short attention spans, they need to choose what is available now without having to wait too long. It’s simple: what would you do as a visitor if you land on a super slow e-commerce site? would you rather stay or try another website with a better shopping experience? we all know this answer.

We live in an era of instant gratification where speed matters. When it comes to the web, it’s no surprise that faster-loading websites tend to do a lot better than their sluggish counterparts. However, web page loading speed is also a critical seo factor. Since 2018, google has started using speed as a ranking factor for mobile searches. The most logical explanation for this move would be that fast-loading web pages offer a better user experience. That, in turn, results in better engagement and sales conversions. As a webmaster, the responsibility of speed optimization falls on your shoulders. Here are seven tips that’ll help you muster this responsibility successfully.

Google uses core web vitals to understand whether a user leaves your page satisfied or not, and page speed is a huge contributor to user experience. For example, google will use page speed to analyze if your users are getting frustrated with your sluggish load time and bouncing off within seconds. To improve your core web vitals to speed up your wordpress site, you need to understand how it works. Core web vitals is broken into three elements, largest contentful paint, first input delay, and cumulative layout shift. Lcp measures how long it takes for your page to load from the first click of the link to most of the content .

Wordpress is one of the most frequently used platforms for content management systems. Wp accounts for almost 19% of all websites. Its popularity among users results from the fact that it’s intuitive and easy to use. However, the default options on wordpress can slow down your website. I will show you how to improve your wp configuration and make it faster. Site speed is crucial for both the user experience and seo. Let me show you how you can do it today with only one hour of work! take a look at how these seven steps can influence your website’s loading time.

7 effective ways to speed up your WooCommerce store

For a woocommerce store, you need product images to grow your business. However, images take longer to load and impact your page speed. By optimizing your product images, you can reduce their filesize significantly without losing quality. This makes all your store pages, product categories, and product pages load faster. Now, there are several ways to optimize images. facebook The most reliable one is to optimize images before uploading them to your woocommerce product. Most image editing software like adobe photoshop allow you to export images for the web. During the export dialog, you can choose an image file format (jpg, png, gif) that gives you the smallest filesize.

Good performance always starts with good design. This is what brad frost preaches in an article that has become an apology to performance. He says: ultimately, performance is about respect. Respect your users’ time and they will be more likely to walk away with a positive experience. Good performance is [a] good design. It’s time we treat it as such. Does your woocommerce storefront start with a huge carousel? are you aware that carousels are virtually useless? does your woocommerce store load a video or an hd image in the background? does your store display all social widgets? if so, do not forget that all these design elements have a direct impact on the speed of your woocommerce store.

Pingbacks and trackbacks are great to find out when one of your blogs or web page receives a link. While these are great but you need to know that these links can put an unwanted strain on your server. Besides, if you turn these two features on you are always at risk of getting ddos attacks. So, for wordpress speed optimization and securing your site from ddos attacks make sure to disable pingbacks and trackbacks. You can disable these easily from the wordpress admin dashboard. Looking to start a estore? check out the difference between two of the most popular ecommerce cms woocommerce vs opencart.